
Red Dot Design Yearbook 2022/2023 - Set

  • 書籍編號3899392401
  • ISBN9783899392401
  • 作 者Peter Zec
  • 出 版 社Red Dot Gmbh
  • 商品語言英文
  • 裝 訂30x30/2,136p /set(4 volumes)/精裝
  • 定價NT$3,250
  • 折扣價NT$2,568
  • 點閱數2858

紅點產品設計大獎創辦於1955年,致力於選拔每年度最優異之產品。紅點產品設計大獎接受來自全球各地的製造商及設計師報名參加,在參賽各組別中送交作品參加評選。評選方式忠實遵循「尋找優良設計與創新(In search of good design and innovation)」之理念,由紅點評審團對所有參賽作品進行審查,只有設計品質優良的產品,才能獲得評審的肯定,頒予紅點獎。


Red Dot Design Yearbook 2022/23
presents the best products in …

Living  / 572 pages
Lighting and Lamps, Interior Design, Living Rooms and Bedrooms, Bathroom and Sanitary Equipment, Heating and Air Conditioning Technology, Kitchens and Kitchen Appliances, Interior Design Elements, Urban Design and Public Spaces
Doing  / 568 pages
Smart Products, Communication, Cameras, Drones, Robots, Tools, Garden, Household, Tableware and Cooking Utensils, Babies and Children
Working  / 448 pages
Computer and Information Technology, Office, Industrial Equipment, Machinery and Automation, Commercial Vehicles, Healthcare and Medical Devices, Materials and Surfaces
Enjoying  / 548 pages
Innovative Products, Cars, Airplanes, Boats, Motorcyles, Motorhomes and Accessories, Entertainment, Watches, Jewellery and Eyewear, Bicycles, Leisure, Sport and Games, Fashion, Lifestyle and Accessories, Spas and Personal Care, Packaging