
Frame #139 2021/3,4

  • 書籍編號M-441145_139
  • ISBN8710966441145
  • 出 版 社Frame (M)
  • 定價NT$850
  • 折扣價NT$765
  • 點閱數3230

Over the past five years, the number of Google searches for ‘mental wellbeing’ has steadily climbed. Unsurprisingly, the last months showed distinct peaks in the upward trend. Forced isolation gave some individuals the space and time to reflect on self-im


Reporting From
Yoko Choy looks at Hong Kong’s image: how can the city regain clarity for its future? Orla Hennessy examines the so-described ‘hugely successful regeneration of Dublin Docklands’ and asks: Regeneration for whom? 

Business of Design
What gaming is teaching fashion about how to exist online. How the ‘halo effect’ is quickly becoming one of retail design’s key parameters. Why smart(er) buildings will need more communicative interiors. How parcel lockers could help us shop more conscientiously. 

In Practice
Formafatal on bridging the Czech Republic and Costa Rica. Space Popular on constructing fully virtual journeys. Jeremy Myerson on developing design thinking. OPPO on advocating people-centric principles in stores

Semiotics agency Axis Mundi looks at how neoclassical references in retail spaces and design connote stability and endurance in a time of uncertainty. What’s more, we explore how CBD stores are steering clear of stoner stereotypes, how veganism is influencing interior design, and how a raw-earth residential development in Iran benefits the environment and empower struggling communities. 

Wellbeing Lab
The mental wellness industry was already on the rise before Covid-19 struck. Good timing, since even those untouched by the physical effects of the virus have no doubt felt its psychological toll. Here we examine how a three-pronged approach – places, products and portals – is making support more frequent and more accessible, to more people. 

The Challenge - What’s missing in the world of wellbeing? 
In the lead up to each issue, we challenge emerging designers to respond to the Frame Lab theme with a forward-looking concept. The arrival of Covid-19 has contributed to loneliness, stress, grief, anxiety and depression, highlighting the importance of fostering mental wellbeing. How can design help us cope with these particularly tumultuous times? What spaces and experiences do we need, and how should they look? We asked three creative practices to share their ideas. 

Ergonomic furniture for small spaces, upcycled acoustic solutions, 3D-printed room dividers, how to work with hempcrete and more.
