
Frame #138 2021/1,2

  • 書籍編號M-441145_138
  • ISBN8710966441145
  • 出 版 社Frame (M)
  • 定價NT$850
  • 折扣價NT$765
  • 點閱數3231

The January/February issue of Frame outlines what the future office must be if it is to remain relevant. The work-from-home revolution has fast-forwarded in 2020, leaving large-scale employers question the need to continue to invest in centralized office spaces. But rather than see this past year as a sign that the era of the office is over, it’s an opportunity to take a look at what has been preventing it from reaching its full potential. The January/February issue of Frame outlines what the future office must be if it is, ultimately, to remain relevant.


Reporting From
William Richards looks at two Washingtons after gentrification’s first wave of change. Lukas Feireiss asks to what degree the German capital is both a benefiter and prisoner of its own myth and cliché – and what Berlin can learn from its past, for its future.

Business of Design
How hotels can become the centre of their communities. Why vending machines are experiencing a retail renaissance. How ‘schoolcations’ could transform luxury hospitality. How the pandemic helped interior designers correct their course. And: what it takes to build a net-zero interior.

In Practice
Mariana Schmidt and André Pepato, cofounders of São Paulo studio MNMA, talk about why they purposefully create ‘unfinished’ projects. Hong-Kong based William Lim of architecture firm CL3 shares how Covid-19 has shifted his focus towards health and the environment. Ekene Ijeoma, Nigerian-American artist and founder of MIT Media Lab’s Poetic Justice group, explains how he draws on data and lived experience to explore social inequality through his multimedia works. Plus, Laura Lee, CEO of the Maggie’s cancer support centres, explains why architectural briefs should prioritize feeling over function.

Semiotics agency Axis Mundi looks at how brick is being used across a range of spaces to revive both ancient and modern traditions. What’s more, we explore how live performances look in (extended) reality; how churches prioritize community over communion; how a cruise ship targets a younger, experience-driven generation; and why a car dealership focuses on membership, not dealership.

Work Lab
Challenged by the remote-working experiment of 2020, we asked global thought leaders if there’s still a future for the good-old hub office. Based on their visions, we lay out what a more resilient, responsive and responsible workplace might look like.

The Challenge: the Office of Tomorrow
In the lead-up to each issue, we challenge emerging designers to respond to the Frame Lab theme with a forward-looking concept. The past year has shed new light on the role of the office, prompting those who use one to reconsider its relevance. There are lessons to be found in not just the pandemic period, but the time before that. What were workplaces missing? What has working from home taught us? What would make us want to go back to the physical office? We asked four creative practices to share their ideas.

Flexible furnishings for the home, office and more. Top picks from Milano Design City. Why carpeting is important. How to design for dementia.